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Come Back To England, geoffrey's travel

2 juin 2013

Day 4, shopping and come back to home

Last day (Already!) I apply the secret found yesteday!

Shopping and good time in the best shops of the capital!

A beautiful place, I'm fond of this architectural mixage!


The quay 9 3/4 of Harry Potter (they were some fans)


Viva Ferrari!


IMG_1054  the biigest toy shop of London!

IMG_1057  who is the real playmobil?

IMG_1060  Sooo cute

IMG_1061  hey, Kermit is back!


IMG_1071  -> change something (like me, don't hesitate to be happy)



IMG_1076  We had to return in France, the trip was to short!!!!


IMG_1079  Valence, and at midinight, Alexandre managed still to get noticed!

"Ophelie taxi Vernet" he is very funny when he want



It was my blog of my trip in England this year, I expect that you had like it (or love it, why not?)!

And don't forget to enjoy all you do everyday!

See you!

2 juin 2013

Day 2 : Thursday, 18th April 2013, a Sherlock Holmes day! (non official)

morning : let's go to Baker Street, a mythic place.

Before the seriously things, we could have a walk in the second higgest parck of London.

IMG_0829  the Baker's street underground, on the sign of Sherlock Holmes

IMG_0839  It's quiet, a rare moment

IMG_0856  water, dirds, green, a little paradise




I didn't found the solution at the riddle of Shakespear Globe, I'm here for find some answers.


IMG_0859  the museum

IMG_0879  the objects of exposition are like in the last centuary!



Maintenance with the famous detective


IMG_0911  Fotos with a policeman (he's smiling, the french police is less welcoming)


Afternoon : visit in London about Sherlock Holmes

It's the same guide that the last year!

Same jokes (he is very funny^^) :


"Jack le criminel est plus connu ici sous le nom de Jacques Chirac l'éventreur"

"Quand Nicolas Sarkozy est arrivé au pouvoir, on a fondue la statue de cire de Jacques Chirac et on a fait deux Sarkozy.

Et puis l'année dernière on a fondu les statues de Sarkozy pour faire la sauce Hollandaise!"


"une mauvaise direction"


It was really great, dark and narrow streets, informations, anecdotes.

But it's England, and it began... TO RAIN!!!!




But I was happy (even if I didn't had umbrela) and I sang singin in the rain


And I understood!


Everywhere where I went, I found joyce, I took pleasure with my friends, I appreciated the trip.

I could continue to search for a long time, it's just a symbolic message :


And for this trip it's MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!


Let's try this way of life!


shopping time


IMG_1012  Disneys and toys shops

IMG_1006  great places


Just have fun!!!!

2 juin 2013

Day 2 : Wednesday, 17th April 2013, surprise!

This evening the teachers made us a great surprise : FISH'N SHIPS!!!!

IMG_0822  Evrerybody is here

IMG_0823  We celebrate two 19th anniversary HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

IMG_0824  just for me, a vegetarian hamburger, thank you so much!


One of the best momentsof the trip, only Happiness!

2 juin 2013

Day 2 : Wednesday, 17th April 2013, walk down the Thames

For relax, one solution : a little walk for finish the day!


2 juin 2013

Day 2 : Wednesday, 17th April 2013 Sakespear Globe Theater (non official)


A very nice place, not so huge but nice.

IMG_0714    IMG_0721

Without the fact that I had to investigate here, it was a good visit.

But I didn't find any solution...

Why the Sakespear Globe? A mystery in more.


2 juin 2013

Day 2 : Wednesday, 17th April 2013 St Paul (non official)

After Tate modern, we had the possibility to cross the Thamse by the Milenium Bridge for take a look on

St Paul Church and the funeral of Margaret Thatcher.


I had to go here for the first time, but what could I search? I didn't know.

They was so many people! Incredible.

I had, with Thibaut and Jean-Nicolas, the chance to met a french reporter of RTL, maybe Christophe Giltay.

IMG_0693  The medias tents


We met this person too


And I realised this

St Paul : S

Giltay : G

Thatcher : T


It's the initials of Shakespeare Globe Theatre, just next to Tate Modern, 

where I will finally go for resolve this mystery?

Shakespeare, I arrive!



31 mai 2013

Day 2 : Wednesday, 17th April 2013

Today, direction Tate Modern for the morning.

For it, we had to do a little walk from the Shard to the former hydroelectric station under the rain.

ANGLETERRE 2013 248  Some surprises

ANGLETERRE 2013 264  Fotos

ANGLETERRE 2013 295  The Thame

ANGLETERRE 2013 307  St Paul's Church

ANGLETERRE 2013 312  And finally Tate Modern


I prefered the classics of the Nationnal gallery but it was pleasant to find for example some Mondrians and original ideas (original, not sure...).

I will explain it in picture :










(I know I'm not the first to do this joke)

30 mai 2013

Day 2 : Wednesday, 17th April 2013

Today we discovered the successor of mc donald, the monopoly of restoration :

present all day of the trip for our pleasure (or not)!

30 mai 2013

Day 1 : Tuesday, 16th April 2013,the family (official)

After a first very busy day, arrive the Drawing Lots of the host families.

 ANGLETERRE 2013 669        ANGLETERRE 2013 665

This is the house were I was during FOUR DAYS!!!! with Thilbault and Jean-Nicolas(JNK)

We cannot see it on the foto, but when I was going here, I was singing that:

This is the true! I'm not joking!

The woman welcome us in a little home, and left us.

I prefered the family of the last year.


ANGLETERRE 2013 224      ANGLETERRE 2013 221)


fortunatly, Thibault in a great Mc Gaver managed to put on the television.

But I forgot the main part! Food (if we can name it food)

breakfast : samosas?!?!

lunch : bread (the first day with only butter...), frit and crips with vinegar, I mean, vinegar with crips

dinner : ????????(it's not a carricature)

I am not to pity, I was habituate with the self, but it's a level more difficult!

listen it for me please :


I really was wright to take a lot of survival rations.


Please, now let me pass to a better memory.





28 mai 2013

Day 1 : Tuesday, 16th April 2013, Na&tionnal Gallery (non-official)









I was finally arrived to London, the city of mystery.


First thing I had to do : GO TO THE NATIONAL GALLERY!


This mythical place.


It was so beautiful as the last year, when there was still the Olympics Games count.


The paintings were so …, just so! But with restorations, it missed a lot of paintings, even The Sunflowers of Van Gogh.


I found after a little visit of the museum The Ambassadors, visible three rooms before, the first anamorphosis of art history.


I began to search, what could be this secret. I wanted to see well the skull, so I went to the left but the guard told me to leave the left of the painting, it was strange. So I went to the right, and I just realised that it was the god angle for see well the skull...


I watched it the more highest possible, and I heard voices in the painting!!!!


(if you follow the adventure, at the end I will post the video of this miracle)


And I saw it, behind the skull, on the book, something write in anamorphosis to :


St Paul church yard, April 17th 2013


The Margaret Tatcher funerals date!


It was just of the other side of Tate Modern, where I had to go with my class.


As said Albert Einstein “The hazard, it's god who comes incognito”, so, thanks god!


I will be here, St Paul, here I'm ready!





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Come Back To England, geoffrey's travel